Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nut Sedge

Nut Sedge, originally uploaded by kadavoor.

Botanical name: Cyperus rotundus

Common names: Common Nut Sedge, coco grass, nutgrass, purple nutsedge

Family: Cyperaceae (Sedge family)

Nutsedges are perennial weeds in the sedge family that superficially resemble grasses. Nutsedges grow mainly from tubers or "nutlets" formed on rhizomes, mostly in the upper foot of soil. Leaves are V-shaped in cross section and arranged in sets of three at the base. Stems are triangular in cross section. Tubers of yellow nutsedge are produced singly while purple nutsedge tubers are produced in chains, several on a single rhizome.

Taken at Kadavoor, Kerala, India




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